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Patient Mishaps

What this means is that 24,382 patients received the wrong treatment.


Witness Immunity

Most witnesses are compellable, that is, they will be obliged to attend and give evidence in court. The method of doing this is to serve a subpoena on the witness. Reasonably enough, the witness is and should be protected from litigious attack for giving evidence. Absolute privilege attaches to statements that are made in the course of the administration of justice. This has been stated as “…anything said, or published in writing, in the court and as part of legal […]


Personal Injury – The Health Industry

Nurses as a group have a considerable level of complaint of low back pain, a sure sign of injury from excessive lifting.


MRSA –Legal Burden of Proof?

There is however a practice permitting the reversal of the burden of proof in some circumstances.


Personal Injury – Fishing Industry

For Employers’ duties see HERE Fishermen are engaged in one of the most dangerous occupations of any group. On United Kingdom figures, their occupational mortality is exceeded only by mine workers at the coalface. Generally, they are twice as likely to die in the course of their work as a person working on land. Put another way, again on United Kingdom figures, fishermen have an annual risk of 1 in 500 of being killed in the course of their work. […]



If, in the light of the above, a patient contracts an MRSA infection, is it not clear, subject to rebuttal evidence, that the hospital has failed to protect the patient?


MRSA and Ireland’s Euro Health Consumer Index score

In 2006 the Euro Health Consumer Index put Ireland second from the bottom in a ranking of European states on the delivery of health care to its citizens. Was this a Pass mark for Ireland? Ireland subscribes to the concept of failure and applies it to its citizens in, for instance the Leaving Certificate examination now underway. What of Ireland’s health care system? How do we know if it is failing? More correctly, how do we know that Ireland has […]


MRSA Conference

The MRSA & Families Network have organised a conference entitled, “MRSA: What is it costing us?â€? to be held on 19TH JUNE 2007 at the Emmett Theatre, Trinity College Dublin, from 9.30 am to 4.40 pm.


PIAB and Personal Injuries

1. In Ireland, to suffer an injury in a road traffic accident is to be at the beginning of a painful (in every sense), long, and tiresome process. 2. Since the establishment of the Personal Injuries Assessment Board (“PIABâ€?) in 2003, it is no longer lawful, with some exceptions, for an injured person (“applicantâ€?) to promptly and of course, seek compensation for such injuries in court. 3. Under the Personal Injuries Assessment Board Act 2003 such applicants are obliged, if […]


Personal Injury – Construction Industry (2)

For Employers’ duties see HERE Under Statutory Instrument No. 386/2006 certain general duties are imposed on employers. The SI also transposes the terms of Council Directive 92/57/EEC into Irish law.
