Tagged: Privacy
Sir Cliff Richard
There are two matters (at least) worth noting in Sir Cliff Richard’s deserved win in the English High court. Firstly, it is heartening that a group of ordinary [women] citizens were sufficiently integrated as persons that they were immune to the effects of the smear attaching to Sir Cliff as a result of the disgraceful lynching of him by the BBC. Those citizens supported Sir Cliff by cheering for him outside the court on the delivery of the judgment. Secondly, […]
Safe Harbour: Irresistible force meets an immovable object

It’s an old Internet joke, but a good one. It takes the form of a transcript of radio communications at sea. The identity of the two sides shifts depending on who’s telling the story- UK and Ireland, Spain and Portugal etc. What stays the same is that a huge military ship from a powerful imperial nation is told by a little nation’s vessel to change course to prevent a collision. It refuses and demands the other party change course. The […]
Privacy, “On the usual terms”

When a Plaintiff makes a claim for personal injury it has become commonplace for representatives of the insurance industry to demand, and expect, access to the private medical records of the Plaintiff without limiting their requests in terms of relevance or time. In some cases they simply include a “helpful” authorisation form for the Plaintiff to sign so that they can access all records directly from every medical attendant the Plaintiff has ever attended. If the Plaintiff complies with this request […]
New Emergency UK Data Retention Law- What’s actually happening?

In case you missed it with all the World Cup and such, last night UK Labour backbencher Tom Watson put out an urgent call for attention. The UK Gov were trying to bundle a replacement mass surveillance law through Parliament with nobody looking. Unlike here, the UK never brought in a standalone law for Data Retention, just a Ministerial Order directly based on the annulled Directive. As a result the UK were running on empty, legally speaking, ever since the […]
Flying a Balloon?
The Gardaí have had a history of their own difficulties with search warrants and the like.
Cloud Computing: European Data Protection Dangers
Cloud computing is rapidly becoming a buzzphrase in IT-reliant businesses. But while enterprises may be able to save money by moving into the cloud it is difficult to see how they can do so with their customer’s personal information without breaching EU data protection law.
Neither Minister noticed, as Advocate-General Bot now says, that he was attending a Community institution, as opposed to a Union institution.
Gormley’s man (woman?)
There, Humpty Dumpty explains himself to Alice:
So sorry!
There is good reason to say that Governments have little concern about the protection of personal data, as previously posted HERE.
A cup of tea for Mr. Obama!
I suggest the true reason is very deep; candidate or no, Barack Obama is, essentially, on the wrong side of an asymmetric relationship. The State has and owns the information it took from him and feels no obligation to him for that. In short, the Privacy Act 1974, like all such provisions anywhere, is a sop.