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Read Me

We have to stop working every now and then. I read the Sherlock Holmes body of work a long time ago, but the classics never die and so I have made reference to Sherlock Holmes HERE and perhaps have given the impression that a life in the law is a life in crime or close to it (by and large, it is not; think of Kenneth Starr whose natural habitat was in corporate law and Government administration). What might a […]


A Laughing Stock

Now, we risk being the laughing stock of Australia (and the UK in due course) because none of our lawyers have sold shares in themselves.


At Swim Two Coves

I have just learned of Fuzzy Logic, bringing me to read the Wikipedia article on Bart Kosko and am struck by the familiarity of it all. Surely Bart Kosko is a character created by Flann O’Brien? Evidence? Here it is: He is a leading researcher of fuzzy logic, neural networks, and noise, and author of several trade books and textbooks on these and related subjects..â€? Kosko has a distinctive minimalist prose style, not even using commas in his last several […]


Laconic speech

You are advised to submit without further delay, for if I bring my army into your land, I will destroy your farms, slay your people, and raze your city.



If you are a lawyer, you stand between the abuse of governmental power and the individual.


The Source of Law?

…and no man knows when they were first put forth.


Reds, Whites, Blues, Greens

It was a moment of pure (unfair) competition. The parties had struggled for three and a half days and now the judge had leaped into the forensic arena, cuffing the Defendant’s lawyers.
