Tagged: Ireland
Digital Rights Ireland: ECJ Judgment striking down Data Retention

The ECJ judgement on Digital Rights Ireland’s challenge to the EU’s data retention regime.
Newspaper Licensing Ireland: 2nd letter for Women’s Aid re paying to link to newspaper websites
The following letter was sent on behalf of Women’s Aid to Newspaper Licensing Ireland Limited. The first letter to Newspaper Licensing Ireland Ltd can be read here: Newspaper Licensing Ireland Ltd asks Women’s Aid for money to link to newspaper websites Women’s Aid have agreed to allow us to publish their responses in the hope that it may prove helpful to other non-profit bodies who may receive similar requests. We have not charged any fee but if you feel like […]
Faulty PIP Breast Implants, the CMO and assessing risk
We have already written critically about the Chief Medical Officer’s proposal to decide how, where and whether women with PIP Breast Implants should receive medical attention. However, this is not the only problem with the State’s medical establishment’s response to the PIP Breast Implant scandal. RTE, the Irish Times and other news organisations included a similar reassuring coda to their reports. According to the department and the Irish Medicines Board, there is no evidence of increased risk of cancer for […]
More on NAMA
Readers of this blog may recall a Freedom of Information request to the Taoiseach and the Minister for Finance for details of the discussion between the Government and the EU Commission relating to the price at which Irish bank assets would transfer into NAMA. That information was never furnished. It is no surprise, therefore that NAMA has claimed exemption from complying with any Freedom of Information requests. There is a possibility for some information leakage, however. J K Galbraith records, […]
Voodoo Economics
Now the plan is under consideration by the EU Commission. Specifically it is being considered by Joaquin Almunia the new Commissioner for Competition. He is in fact not all that new; he used to be Commissioner for Economics and Monetary policy.
Brown Envelopes
There is a perception in the public that our corruption index is high. Only full and open investigation and punishment of offenses will reduce this perception.
Cloud Computing: European Data Protection Dangers
Cloud computing is rapidly becoming a buzzphrase in IT-reliant businesses. But while enterprises may be able to save money by moving into the cloud it is difficult to see how they can do so with their customer’s personal information without breaching EU data protection law.
Quarries, no less than any other development, are subject to control by application to the High Court
The Madoff Mess
Financial management is, reputedly, a highly regulated field. Whether that is so in Ireland is already in doubt. The Madoff Mess may show the truth of the situation. That aside, Ireland’s financial regulatory laws make provision for claims in civil law for breaches of certain duties imposed by statute. The facts of each case will determine if these are available to investors to recover their losses.