Tagged: injury
PIAB ahead!
PIAB applicants (i.e., personal injury victims) should take the long view and consider themselves fortunate, currently. Cassius Dio (58.21.4-5) records that, due to a credit crunch in 33 AD:- Tiberius then modified his decision regarding loans and gave one hundred million sesterces to the treasury, with instructions that senators should lend this money for three years without interest to those who needed it. He also ordered that the most disreputable of those who were bringing accusations against others should all […]
Information for victims of Personal Injury (2)
Barristers (“Counsel”) are members of a branch of the legal profession who have agreed among themselves not to accept instructions from litigants other than through the agency of a solicitor.
Information for victims of Personal Injury (1)
The existence of the Personal Injuries Assessment Board (“PIAB”) should not distract from the need to prepare for the potential issuing of proceedings in court to recover compensation.