Miscarriage of Justice
European Arrest Warrant Act 2003: Procedures and Problems. “A Serious Trivial Problem”
In the EU, “extradition” is by means of the European Arrest Warrant (EAW). Any member state may issue an EAW and request its execution in any other member state. Very serious problems can arise in the system. The EAW system is professedly based on the high regard that the national judiciaries have for each other. In fact, they do not have such a high regard for each other. Notwithstanding, like characters in a Samuel Beckett play, they “go on” with […]
In Praise of Cearta.ie

Had we but world enough and time… To peer-review our works and rhyme ‘Twould serve us well in private state But publick matters are not so fine To let us leave the readers wait Who pay us time for their estate And not the purchase of our pine – With apologies to Andrew Marvell The news that the Cearta.ie blog, written and maintained by Dr. Eoin O’Dell of Trinity College Dublin has gone offline was received in this office with […]
What is the economic cost of a proper defence? Inevitably, it will vary from case to case, but Clive Stafford Smith estimates that 1,000 hours will be needed for the task. That’s 83 days. Now assume an hourly rate for the lawyer at €300 (because that is less than the rate allowed by the Irish High Court for some company liquidators) and we can work out the cost of the defence, – €300,000.
No Change
Paul Benfield was a man of the world. The shareholders of the East India company were also beneficiaries of the extortion and theft practised in India and if appearances could be maintained, they would not and did not change the status quo.
An Unpleasant Discovery
hat some members of the Irish High Court currently make orders for the provision of, effectively, “general discovery�? is superior anecdotal evidence to the reflections flowing from Brooks Thomas Ltd. V Impac Ltd. [1999] 1 I.L.R.M. They prefer to do justice than to respect a dubious proposition simply because it is in a statutory instrument.
Irredentist PIAB
What are the problems (statutorily enforced) that the Government has imposed on such plaintiffs?
Shed a tear for Scooter Libby
In these circumstances âreasons of Stateâ? is an inadequate description of his actions. He is an accomplice of Scooter Libby. His current action is one of perversion of the course of justice and aggravates his original offence.
President Katsav
The complainants do not appear to have agreed to the deal.
Frank Shortt
The facts are known and admitted. Frank Shortt, now aged 72, an accountant by profession and the owner of a nightclub in County Donegal, was framed by senior police officers on charges of facilitating drug dealing in his nightclub, for which he was convicted and sent to jail for 27 months in 1995. See HERE for a journalist’s account of the affair and its consequences. Mr. Shortt appealed his conviction but the conviction was affirmed by the Court of Criminal […]