IP Law
The Irish Times: Terms and Conditions apply

The Irish Times claims ownership over all entries to their Legends of the Fall short story competition, win or lose.
Irish Newspapers and Links: A welcome evolution of position
It appears as though there has been some evolution in the position of the Irish Newspaper industry since Friday, when the issue of whether links were subject to copyright was addressed on RTE’s Morning Ireland, the country’s most listened-to radio programme. As of this afternoon. Newspaper Licensing Ireland have placed a prominent statement on their homepage. It reads Statement on behalf of Newspaper Licensing Ireland Limited regarding use of newspaper content For personal use: NLI never requires or requests a […]
Some Reaction to Irish Newspapers demanding money for links
On Sunday night, we published our post 2012: The year Irish newspapers tried to destroy the web on the efforts of the Irish newspaper industry to assert property rights over links. The post has provoked a good deal of comment. For convenience, we have collected up a few of the responses. Hugh Linehan, the Editor of IrishTimes.com: @jobrodie I should acknowledge that it’s all factually correct as far as I know — Hugh Linehan (@hlinehan) December 31, 2012 Prof Jay […]
2012: The year Irish newspapers tried to destroy the web
This is not a joke. I have started with that clarification, because as you read this you will find yourself asking “Is this some kind of a joke?” I thought I would be helpful and put the answer right up at the start, so you can refer back to it as often as you require. This year the Irish newspaper industry asserted, first tentatively and then without any equivocation, that links -just bare links like this one– belonged to them. […]
EMI Records [Ireland] Ltd and Ors sue Irish ISPs
An interesting case has appeared in the High Court search system. Yesterday, EMI Records [Ireland] Ltd, Sony Music Entertainment [Ireland] Ltd, Universal Music Ireland Ltd and Warner Music Ireland Ltd filed papers in the High Court central office to commence proceedings against UPC Communications Ireland Ltd, Vodafone Ireland Ltd, Imagine Telecommunications Ltd, Digiweb Ltd and Hutchinson 3 G Ltd. The case is listed before the Commercial Court on the 17th December by way of Notice of Motion. This, of course, […]
Newspaper Licensing Ireland: 2nd letter for Women’s Aid re paying to link to newspaper websites
The following letter was sent on behalf of Women’s Aid to Newspaper Licensing Ireland Limited. The first letter to Newspaper Licensing Ireland Ltd can be read here: Newspaper Licensing Ireland Ltd asks Women’s Aid for money to link to newspaper websites Women’s Aid have agreed to allow us to publish their responses in the hope that it may prove helpful to other non-profit bodies who may receive similar requests. We have not charged any fee but if you feel like […]
RTE Digital and the value of the licence fee
Last Saturday I spoke at the National Media Conference. It was an excellently organised day. I was embarrassed to be sent out with the quality of experts they had assembled. After all, unlike all the people speaking who make their living in the media, I have no more expertise than any other reader in their industry. Nonetheless, having participated in a refreshingly sane and reasonable discussion about the meaning and impact of Leveson to the media here, I went next […]
Reply received from Newspaper Licensing Ireland Ltd re Women’s Aid
We have received a reply today from Newspaper Licensing Ireland Ltd to our letter on behalf of Women’s Aid. We will be making reply on behalf of our clients shortly.
Newspaper Licensing Ireland Ltd asks Women’s Aid for money to link to newspaper websites
The following letter was sent on behalf of Women’s Aid to Newspaper Licensing Ireland Limited today. Our office is grateful to Fergal Crehan BL for his pro bono assistance in drafting counsel’s opinion. Women’s Aid have agreed to allow us to publish their response in the hope that it may prove helpful to other non-profit bodies who may receive similar requests. We have not charged any fee but if you feel like it, you can donate to Woman’s Aid to […]
Digital Rights Ireland Ltd: Letter to Ministers for Communications and Enterprise
We note that, following the judgement in EMI Ltd and Ors -v- UPC, media reports have suggested that you, or your officials, intend to hold discussions with representatives of both the unsuccessful plaintiffs and Internet Service Providers.
We request, on behalf of our clients, that they be included in these discussions.