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Injuries Board

PIAB and other forms of Personal Injury claims

Accidents at Work: The Safety System (3)

Having so ratified these conventions, Ireland is, under international law, bound to observe their terms and where required, take positive steps to implement them.


Accidents at Work: the Safety System (2)

The organisation runs courses and seminars on safety and health at work and has a library of booklets, leaflets and posters.


Accidents at Work: the Safety System (1)

It is charged with developing safety training for everyone concerned with work in Ireland. In addition it will promote research and studies into the prevention of accidents and disease at work.


Accidents at Work: the statistics

In 2010, there were 79,287 cases of occupational injury or illness. A little less than half of these were not reportable to the Health & Safety Authority.


Accidents at Work: the diagnosis

It has been known for a very long time that some occupations imply risk and cause injury to workers.


Injuries at Work and Social Class

What does not go out of date is an underlying feature of employment; the incidence of injury in work and its relationship with occupation and, therefore, social class.


Personal Injuries Claims: The State’s gift to the Defendants

How can a defendant harass a plaintiff? By bringing a motion to court. The motion will seek orders within the terms of Section 10. Under Section 14 of the Civil Liability and Courts Act 2004 a plaintiff must swear, serve and file an affidavit of verification of the pleadings served. This implies that no insufficiency of pleading, if it exists, can be defended. After all, what was pleaded must be true. Is the plaintiff playing fast and loose with […]


Injured? What to do. (5)

Prior to 2004, for not less than fifty years, plaintiffs were not required to give any further details on the issue of proceedings. The plaintiff was, however, obliged to give the details to the defendant before the trial. It was, (and still is), in the plaintiff’s interest to find out those details and to communicate them to the defendant. Only when the defendant knows these things can the defendant readily agree to settle the claim. Settlement is the best outcome of personal injury litigation; there are insufficient judges to adjudicate on all or most claims for personal injury.


Injured? What to do. (4)

Legal practitioners have a solution to that; plead every conceivable item of loss and, later, waive those that do not apply. Section 10 prevents this; it requires that “full” particulars be pleaded. This implies that the plaintiff cannot issue proceedings until all these losses are accrued and known, or, as mentioned, that items not pleaded cannot later be claimed.


Injured? What to do.

Accidents are confusing. Meeting the unexpected (or just the unwelcome) is disturbing. Many personal injury victims have difficulty orienting themselves after an accident. For some, the difficulties are greater than others. Some accidents are more unexpected than others. Road accidents are relatively common, whereas to be hit by an object falling from a defective building is very unusual.
