Injuries Board
McGarr Solicitors finalists for Personal Injury/Medical Negligence Law Firm of the Year

It’s always nice to get a little nod of recognition for the work you do. So we’re very pleased to announce that McGarr Solicitors have been nominated as finalists in the Travelers Irish Law Awards in the category of Personal Injury/ Medical Negligence Law Firm of the Year. What makes the recognition of our work sweeter was the quote from our client in the nomination. “You trusted me when I came to see you and I had nothing but my […]
Privacy, “On the usual terms”

When a Plaintiff makes a claim for personal injury it has become commonplace for representatives of the insurance industry to demand, and expect, access to the private medical records of the Plaintiff without limiting their requests in terms of relevance or time. In some cases they simply include a “helpful” authorisation form for the Plaintiff to sign so that they can access all records directly from every medical attendant the Plaintiff has ever attended. If the Plaintiff complies with this request […]
Injury claims are a political issue

This website is about the law. That’s why it is also about politics. They go together. The Irish political class has wrecked Ireland economically, but its faults do not finish there. Political careers need money and other supports. A politician can trade public policy for that money and/or support. In other words, a policy can be promoted by people in circumstances where they appear to be independent; they do not appear to have any personal interest in the outcome, but […]
The PIAB Injuries Board pitfalls

The Personal Injuries Assessment Board was established and is operated on a flawed proposition; that it deals with matters of such simplicity that injured persons seeking an assessment have no need of legal advice or assistance in doing so. The proposition is flawed as a matter of commonsense. Before the introduction of the Injuries Board system (then known as the Personal Injuries Assessment Board or PIAB) almost every claimant for compensation for personal injury sought the assistance and advice of […]
A Car Accident, Solicitors and the common good
Modern people, sportsmen/women excepted, are most at risk of serious injury when travelling on the road. The energy bundled in a motor car, or other vehicle, is considerable. If that energy is suddenly blocked, which is what happens in a typical car accident, it must go somewhere and, unfortunately, it sometimes goes into us. Then you are injured and the nature and extent of that injury is determined by chance. Make no mistake; as a society, we have planned these accidents. […]
The Injuries Board steps up its War on “Thoughts”
The Injuries Board is also called the Personal Injuries Assessment Board. It was established by statute in 2003. Every person wishing to recover compensation for a personal injury inflicted by wrongdoers must first apply to the Injuries Board for an assessment of the value of the claim. The Board has issued an article today (26th March 2013) and Patricia Byron, Chief Executive, went on Morning Ireland for an interview. The upshot of the article and the interview is this; personal […]
The InjuriesBoard has just unwittingly warned 605 DePuy hip victims that their claims are at risk
Every six months or so, the Injuries Board issues a press release. These follow a fairly standard formula. The board praises itself for saving notional sums of fantasy money. It castigates dastardly solicitors for representing clients, even though the Constitution guarantees clients that right. It darkly suggests- without providing any evidence- that only its constant vigilance prevents dishonest claims from running riot. And then, because it probably knows that this sort of thing isn’t much of a hook on which to hang […]
Work Injury: Heat
Heat cramps will very likely ensue caused by a loss of salt through perspiration. Continued lack of attention to the problem can lead to heat collapse . There are variations of tolerance between individuals but heat collapse will ensue in more than two thirds of cases where body heat reaches 40-43° C. The worker will abruptly lapse into a coma. He/she will require immediate hospitalisation and immediate attempts to lower the body temperature. If the worker is to survive, his/her deep body temperature must be reduced to at least 40° C.
Accidents at Work: the Safety System (5)
An estimated 3.4 million workers were treated in emergency departments in 2004 (the most recent data available) because of occupational injuries, and approximately 80,000 were hospitalized
Accidents at Work: the Safety System (4)
EU-OSHA The European Agency for Health and Safety at Work The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) is an element of the European Union. Its purpose is that of an integrating and educational authority on questions of occupational safety and health for the EU and EFTA and EU membership candidate countries. It has, for example, produced an iPad App to assist employers in making occupational risk assessment. See it HERE. Its full range of publications on Occupational Safety and […]