Health & Safety
Personal Injury – Asbestos 2
See HERE for the Employers’ duties Just before Germany was re-unified the East German parliament building was closed to further use. The reason was not the redundancy of the parliament, it was the level of asbestos used in the construction of the building and it’s then condition. There are many buildings which share this feature with the parliament building, but they are not closed down. The reason is the overwhelming number of uses asbestos was put to and the ubiquitousness […]
Personal Injury – Construction
Construction For Employers’ duties see HERE According to a report in 1990 from an advisory group of employers, trade unions, the National Industrial Safety Organisation and the Health and Safety Authority Inspectorate, the main causes of building accidents, are cost-cutting, lack of control over sub-contractors and time-saving measures. The study showed, in the case of the sample of incidents reviewed, that 20% involved falls; 20% involved ladders or scaffolds; 11% involved contact with power lines; 9% involved collapse of trenches. […]
Personal Injury – Skin Disease
Accidents at Work – Skin Disease For Employer’s Duties see HERE It is generally agreed that skin disease is the commonest occupationally-caused disease. According to the United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive it accounted for 59% of all reported occupational disease in 1978-79. This reflects the Irish experience in proportional terms, although the total Irish figures are deceptively low. Although the skin is a remarkable and complex organ, the stresses applied to it in some workplaces are extreme and it […]
Personal Injury- Time is running
The time within which proceedings for compensation for personal injury must be issued, at risk of being barred under the Statute of Limitations 1957 (as amended), was shortened to two years by the Civil Liability and Courts Act 2004. This provision came into effect on 31st March 2005. Thus, prima facie, such actions must be issued before 31st March 2007 (or lodged and registered with the Personal Injuries Assessment Board), failing which they may be dismissed without a hearing on […]
Personal Injury – Hearing Loss Claims * for Noise

The suppression of noise does not seem to be high on the agenda of modern industrial machinery designers. Unfortunately, worker victims of the noise find it all too easy to suffer easily-perceptible permanent hearing loss as a consequence. That is, irreversible damage can occur without the victim being aware of it. Dangerous noise can be sudden or prolonged. We have all found ourselves temporarily deafened by noise. Human hearing can deal with many such instances, if they are infrequent. Admittedly, […]
Personal Injury – Repetitive Strain Injury
REPETITIVE STRAIN INJURY See HERE for the Employer’s duties. At least 120 people of a staff of 340 in the Financial Times reported possible Repetitive Strain Injury symptoms Over a two and a half year period. The injury is one of the most common of those listed in the reports of the Health and Safety Authority . The UK experience confirms this too. The condition is also sometimes referred to as Occupation Overuse Syndrome. It involves inflammation of the muscles, […]
Personal Injury – Employers’ Duties
Occupational Health and Safety An employer owes duties to employees under Common Law and statute. The common law duties have been developed by the courts as they decide cases on accidents at work. The employer’s Common Law duties are: a) To provide a safe place of work b) To provide proper tools and equipment c) To provide a safe system of working d) To provide competent staff In addition an employer owes duties under statute to safeguard employees in the […]