Author Archives: Simon McGarr
Digital Rights Ireland Ltd Statement of Claim
Following consultation with our clients Digital Rights Ireland Limited, we are now making available the Plaintiff’s Statement of Claim in the case of Digital Rights Ireland Limited v The Minister for Justice and Law Reform, The Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources and The Garda Commissioner in pdf format. We have also added a link to the Statement of Claim to the previous list of pleadings in this case.
WIPO Treaty on the Protection of Broadcasting Organisations
The WIPO is an agency of the United Nations based in Geneva. Currently a treaty is being negotiated there on ‘The Protection of Broadcasting Organisations’. Aspects of this treaty have provoked some concern by interested bodies. To clarify Ireland’s position at the negotiations for this treaty, we contacted the Intellectual Property Unit of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. We reproduce the relevant sections of our query and their response, with the names of Officials redacted. From McGarr Solicitors: […]
Digital Rights Ireland Data Retention Case
McGarr Solicitors represent Digital Rights Ireland Limited in their action against the Minister for Justice and Law Reform, the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources and the Garda Commissioner’s data retention policies and actions. Following consultation with our client, we are now making available the pleadings to date in this action in Adobe pdf format. Digital Rights Ireland Limited Plenary Summons Appearance entered by the Defendants Statement of Claim of the Plaintiff
Welcome to the McGarr Solicitors Website
Welcome to the McGarr Solicitors website. We are trying out something which we think is new for Ireland- a full solicitor’s website run through the WordPress software. The permanent sections down the right hand side of the page under Our Practice will expand as we upload them. This front page will contain copies of each of those permanent pages, but will also publish shorter pieces. Some of these may be responses to events of the day, or observations on some […]