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Author Archives: Simon McGarr

Stop SOPA Ireland: We must have Openness, not murky backroom deals

You will have noticed the black banner across the top of our site this week. You may also have noticed the sudden flurry of media appearances and debates on radio around the issue of Minister of State Sean Sherlock’s plan to introduce a law to allow the music labels (and other copyright holders) to seek injunctions forcing Irish ISPs to block access to sites they don’t like. “I will introduce this imminently, by the end of January.”– Minister Sherlock, Sunday […]


Email delivery system back working

This problem has now been resolved. Thanks for your patience. Due to a breakdown in our email providers’ servers, our office has not received any emails today (Mon 7th Nov). Our providers assure us that no email has been lost and have estimated service will resume at 9am on Tuesday 8th Nov. Thank you .


Flood problem resolved: Our phones, fax and email are back in service

FINAL UPDATE, Mon 1st November 2011 All phones, fax and email communication have now been restored to our office. We are glad to be back. Update Fri 11.40 We no longer have any Internet connection to our office. In addition Eircom now says that it estimates it will be Tuesday or Wednesday of next week before our line faults are repaired. We regret the difficulties in contacting us and suggest that ordinary posted letters are the most reliable form of […]


SMDF: Some Sums

The proponents of the Law Society Council’s proposal to bail-out SMDF Limited have made much of their estimate of the cost of same per solicitor. They have settled on a figure of €200 per year, for 10 years. This figure is reached by making a series of suppositions- that claims liability will be no more than 16 million euro, that the number of solicitors in practice will stay the same over 10 years, that reinsurers will not repudiate some or […]


Digital Rights Ireland Ltd: Letter to Ministers for Communications and Enterprise

We note that, following the judgement in EMI Ltd and Ors -v- UPC, media reports have suggested that you, or your officials, intend to hold discussions with representatives of both the unsuccessful plaintiffs and Internet Service Providers.

We request, on behalf of our clients, that they be included in these discussions.


Some Questions for Your Country Your Call

Some questions which arise regarding the Your Country Your Call competition.


Judgment of Ms. Justice Laffoy in Shell E&P Ireland Limited -v- McGrath and Ors

The judgment delivered today by Ms. Justice Laffoy in the case of Shell E&P Ireland Limited -v- McGrath and Ors can be found below in pdf form.





Cloud Computing: European Data Protection Dangers

Cloud computing is rapidly becoming a buzzphrase in IT-reliant businesses. But while enterprises may be able to save money by moving into the cloud it is difficult to see how they can do so with their customer’s personal information without breaching EU data protection law.


Facebook’s European Privacy Problem

WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?, originally uploaded by nolifebeforecoffee. There is a suggestion in the Irish Times that Facebook Inc may be considering locating a European base of operations in Ireland. In that context it may be useful to consider the current situation regarding Facebook, its attendant applications and their use of Irish and European users’ Personal Data. The main question is whether all of Facebook’s behaviour is in compliance with Europe’s Data Protection Law, and the extent to which […]
