It is not clear that the true history of Irish land development has been written. Consider the contents of the 2006 Annual Report of An Bord Pleanala.
The report highlights the failures of local planning authorities to take into consideration very important planning aspects in granting permissions for development. The results include improper zoning; consequential flooding; unplanned town development; and water pollution.
If that is what we see now in 2007, what major failures lie in the past?
One failure is pointed to in the setting of penalties of up to €500,000 for local authorities (the very people granting the questionable planning permissions) that pollute water resources.
It now appears that everybody has known for years that the local authorities were (and are) the major polluters of Irish waters before, (or is that after?) farmers.
And what of personal living spaces? Well, they need revision.
What’s to be said? In the words of Alexander Chase:
The peak of tolerance is most readily achieved by those who are not burdened with convictions.