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MRSA: Free Public Conference at RCPI

Deirdre Donegan of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland alerts us to their upcoming public meeting on healthcare-associated infections (including MRSA).

Running as part of the “Promoting a Healthy Nation” series of discussions the details from the RCPI website are;

15th FEBRUARY 2007, starting at 6.00pm in the RCPI, 6 Kildare Street, Dublin. Dr. John Bowman will chair the meeting. Speakers include Prof. Hilary Humphreys, RCSI and Consultant Microbiologist at Beaumont Hospital, Mr. Stephen McMahon, Chairman of the Irish Patients Association, and Ms. Eithne Donnellan, Health Correspondent with the Irish Times. 

Attendance is open to everyone, and is free. All you have to do is fill in a registration form (available in pdf here, or in Word doc format here) or email with your details.

One Comment

  1. Good morning,
    can you please help me with this issue. If I coused a small car accident(value of damage is 400Euro), and my car wasn’t insurred on that day I have to pay for damage. I need to know how it is working for the guy, who has a damage. He will get a money from his insurence company and they will be asking me to pay for repair or he will not get a money at all? My problem is if I will pay for repair if his insurence will not be asking for a money again.
    Thank you for your help